Jenny and I have finished our
basement! It was actually much quicker than we'd ever imagined
it would get done. I have an amazing dad who helped me SOOOO
much, not to mention the help of my cousins, uncles and
friends. Anyone who knows me, knows that it goes without
saying that I would not have been able to do this alone, and I'm thankful
I know such amazing people to help me out.
I just thought that I'd post some
pictures online for those of you who aren't able to make it over in
Here is the layout of the
basement. I have a bathroom drawn in there, but we haven't gotten to
that yet. Right now there is just a door there leading to an
empty space. That's a down the road sort of project.
So basically, there is a main living room sort of
area, and an office. There's also a work room and two storage
rooms. Then there will be a bathroom some day as well.
Ok, immediately below there are some pictures I
took of the basement. I didn't really think that the pictures
did the basement justice, so I took a video too. So if you're
interested and have the time, you can just skip the pictures and go right
down and watch the YouTube video instead.
door immediately on the right is our storage room. Oooh, look at all
the junk!
of our stuff. As you can see, plenty of room left in the storage
door in the middle, directly down from the stairs will be the
bathroom. But there's nothing in there right now, so it's a door to
no where. But the room to the left of that goes to my work
room shown below. The cabinets and the counter top were from
my parents kitchen. They are in the process of getting it remodeled
and they were nice enough to give me their old stuff. It's really
nice for a work room! It should be nice to work with once I
have some time to work on some more arcade machines.
Just a
picture looking the other direction in the work room. There's
another cabinet over there. Everything is drywalled in
there. I did that, as my dad suggested, so that I wouldn't
accidentally put a 2x4 through the wall some day!
here is the main room. As you can see I finally got my arcade
machine in a suitable setting. It's not in a dank, cold, unfinished
basement, and it's not in storage. It's out and working like it
should be!
We put
it at an angle right next to the steps. It looks nice and
doesn't hide the artwork that way.
On the
left are all our movies. Then in the back is currently a poker
table. There will be a real bar going here some day. My
parents and my grandma donated the furniture down there. Not too
shabby for a basement!
Next item I want to buy is a big ol' TV to replace
this tiny one. But you can see the Rock Band stuff finally has
a place to sit. It's just too big to sit in a living room, but
it's just fine down here!
This is our fancy little corner we put in.
Basically, it's the world fanciest sump pump cover. This
actually isn't finished yet, as you can see. We are going to build
some doors in the front of it, and then laminate that shelf thats on
there. This will be where we store the liquor and etc. I
stained it and varnished it, and I like the way it turned out. Great idea
Uncle Jerry!
We put
a little mini ceiling inside of the corner, along with a
light. I would GLADLY do the entire ceiling for the big room
again before I do this little ceiling again. It was just a pain in
the butt to get in there and right for some reason. But it turned
out ok.
is the wall above where the bar will be some day. We boxed in the
window so a little light gets in there during the day, which is
is just another view of the basement from the other direction.
smaller storage room in the basement I made into what I refer to as the
"mad scientist lab" This is just where I will be working on
the software stuff for my future arcade machines.
little room is reall just to hide the fuse box and the water heater.
lastly is the office.
We painted it a bright orange color. There's
no window in this room, so we thought a brighter color would work better
in there. We also found this art work on the wall that matched it
extremely well.
All of Jenny's books on display finally. I
know she's excited!
Here is my desk with my computer. Also there
is our TV on a wall mount there. It's got a movable mount so Jenny can
direct the TV towards her when she wants to watch it too.
All my
nerdy books are on display as well...
here is Jenny's desk area! It's a decent size office and it worked
out great!
Here is the you tube video with the full
walkthrough of the basement. It's a couple minutes long, but
it gives you a much better picture of what the basement is really like
than the pictures above do.
So that's everything! We
just have to finish the sump pump corner, build a bar, and then some day
put in a bathroom.